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3D Printings

The Cylinder Seal
The Birthday Ring

This ring is for a friend of mine's birthday. I made it as a birthday present. The concept is that the shape of the ring is his silhouette with his initials on it. The ring also comes with a special designed box. You can see more details of the box through the link here.


My first step for the project was to design the shape and choose a nice typeface of the initials.


The next step was to import the 2D shape into 3D software to build the model. I used Blender for this project. Besides the shapes I made, I also got a free model of ring on Thank to 3P3D's "The Dennis Ring - Size 10." Then I polished and adjusted the model and combined it with my creations.


Finally,  printed it out on MakerBot Replicator. I chose to print the ring in a vertical postion as it would be easy for me to remove the support later.


Mr. Puff’s Urchin Coat

This is a project for one of my class of ITP called "Talking Fabrics." We discovered and exprimented the possibity of fabrics in the class and the final is to make a clothe for a balloon. I made a sea urchin coat for it therefore the balloon can hang out with his friend Sea Urchin. Here's the story of these two good friends.


Mr. Puff is a happy gentleballoon. Young, rich, loves his friends, and enjoy his life. He is trendy and loving fashion stuffs. However, there’s one big problem behind his happy life. He’s afraid someday he is going to pop, just as his father and grandfather. The idea of losing his puffy figure and becoming flat scared him half to death and woke him up in the middle of nights. Unfortunately, as everyone knows, balloons are so fragile and almost everything with a sharp part would do harm to them. This made Mr. Puff not willing to go out anymore.


The only time Mr. Puff was willing go out is to hang out with one of his friends, Sea Urchin. As we know, Sea Urchin, just like every urchins, is covered by spikes, but Mr. Puff was not afraid of him, because Sea Urchin is very friendly, smart and after all, he is just too short to reach Mr. Puff and he is bad at jumping. Sea Urchin heard Mr. Puff’s problem and was worrying about him.


“You can’t lock yourself at home. You need to get refill from time to time,” said Sea Urchin.

“But what can I do? I am not like you so well-protected!” said Mr Puff.

Then Sea Urchin came out an idea. “I heard there’s a place called ITP in NYU. It’s a place full of people with crazy ideas. Let’s go there and ask for help!”


That’s the story I met Mr. Puff and Sea Urchin as they came to me for help. Since Mr. Puff said he thought Sea Urchin is fully armed, I decided to make something could make Mr. Puff to feel safe too. I took some research of sea urchins. Then I made a decision to make a sea urchin coat for Mr. Puff. It would consist of a shell and spikes. I designed them separately, so that the model would simple enough that didn't need too much surpport. And then, I glue the shell and spikes together with acetone.


Now Mr. Puff lives happily and peaceful. He now hang out often with Sea Urchin and is able to carry him away! Happy ending.


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