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Story Board & Drawing

Story board - The 400 Pound CEO 

I really like George Saunders's "The 400 Pound CEO." It's sad and cruel, yet funny and ingenious at the same time. While I was reading it, the description became pictures and actions in my mind. Just like a movie! I tried to capture the clips and put them down on paper to make a storyboard. I especially like the scene where the main character, Jeffery, a 400 pound guy working as an exterminator is attacked by a raccoon just when he thinks everything is under controlled. My storyboard describes the paragraphs below:

     ust after midnight, I trip the wire. I fetch the Carlisles and encourage them to squat down and relate to the captured raccoon. Then I recite our canned speech congratulating them for their advance thinking. I describe the wilderness where the release will take place, the streams and fertile valleys, the romp in the raccoon's stride when it catches its first whiff of pristine air.


Mr. Carlisle says thanks for letting him sleep at night sans guilt. I tell him that's my job. Just then, the raccoon's huge mate bolts out of the woods and tears into my calf. I struggle to my car and kick the mate repeated against my wheel well until it dies with my leg in its mouth. The Carlisles stand aghast in the carport. I stand aghast in the driveway, sick at heart. I've trapped my share of raccoons and helped Claude with more burials than I care to remember, but I've never actually killed anything before.


I throw both coons in the trunk and drive myself to the emergency room.

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